Though his unconventional style is mildly shocking to the ears of this particular English preacher, who can no longer claim to be in his middle years, Mark Driscoll, coming clearly through my iPod in this last week, has been a huge blessing.
An Amazing Miracle
Wendy and I have just returned from the USA Newfrontiers Mid-West Family Weekend where we enjoyed an excellent time with hundreds of our friends from the Newfrontiers churches in the Mid-West. The whole weekend was very worthwhile but my lasting memory will be of the extraordinary miracle that Parker Marks experienced.
Amazing Grace
‘Amazing Grace’ seemed a strange old-fashioned opening hymn for my son Tim’s recent wedding, especially after the beautiful Esme had floated in on her father, Al’s, arm to the melody from The Gladiator with its reminder of the dodgy ‘hereafter’ hinted at there, with its mystical fields and promise of uncomplicated bliss.
Newfrontiers Northern Europe Conference 2007
Bathed daily in glorious sunshine, the Newfrontiers conference held in Delden, The Netherlands, proved a great success.
Grass under my feet
While recently in South Africa I was standing in a circle with a group of leaders worshipping God in the open air. My eyes were closed. We were singing songs and I realised that the only unusual sensation I was feeling was that grass was under my feet.
Recent review in Christianity Magazine
It was good to see Christianity magazine gave The Tide is Turning a good review. The reviewer didn’t like what he called my ‘naff cover’, but said … ‘I love this book. Terry Virgo (one of the leaders of the charismatic movement, author, founder of Newfrontiers and Stoneleigh Bible Weeks) has come up with a gem.
My first entry comes from South Africa, where I will soon be speaking at our Cape Town Together on a Mission. Simon Pettit, whose sudden death left such a massive gap, used to host a similar conference here under the title Joy In The City and I look forward to meeting with hundreds of friends from churches across the city.