Prayer to a Sovereign God from Grace Church Nottingham on Vimeo.
Developing a Powerful Prayer Life
Developing a Powerful Prayer Life from Grace Church Nottingham on Vimeo.
Praising and praying; remembering and anticipating
My recent visit to the mid-week prayer meeting at King’s Church London, was particularly enjoyable. Crowds poured into their freshly acquired and renovated, superb auditorium, enjoying the buzz of fellowship and friendship. My association with this church has lasted decades. […]
Developing a Powerful Prayer Life
How can we pray effective prayers? Terry was recenty asked this question at Grace Church, Nottingham. In this second interview, Terry shares some thoughts on how we reconcile prayer and the sovereignty together
Only by prayer
This sermon was preached at King’s Church Kingston and is based on Mark 9:14-29.
Covenant Life Church, Washington
I was recently invited to speak at Covenant Life Church by Joshua Harris. I found the people there extraordinarily warm and friendly and enjoyed being with them. Covenant Life has made available online the messages I preached there. 1. Formidable […]
Vision & Values: Part 10. Freed From Complacency – A growing people
This is the tenth chapter in a series of short interviews which I recorded with my son Simon, looking at the seventeen values that have helped to shape my ministry over the years. ‘A church freed from complacency and endeavouring […]
‘It is clear that things are badly wrong in our society’
My wife Wendy and I were in the USA when the tragic news of the death of Princess Diana swept round the world. The shock and horror of the event was hardly believable. What seemed even more incomprehensible came on […]
TOAM 2011: Part 3. Lessons from 40 years with Newfrontiers
This is the 3rd message of a three part series that was recorded at the annual Newfrontiers international leadership conference, Together On A Mission 2011, in Brighton. The following notes were taken from Terry explained that he felt God […]