His robust faith and remarkable reports of healings and miracles are inspirational and genuinely motivational.
Book Reviews
Worship Matters
I have read several books on worship but Bob’s is probably the most thorough. His goals and objectives as a worship leader are excellent and I certainly encourage all elders and worship leaders to read the book.
Pierced for our Transgressions
This recently published study upholding the vital place of the doctrine of penal substitution has received so much acclaim that it hardly needs my further recommendation here.
Prophetic evangelism
A provocative book full of living illustrations that demonstrate not only insight into the prophetic ministry but also a very challenging and stimulating evangelistic passion.
Brothers we are not professionals
A book that I would not hesitate to say every pastor should read.
Dominion and Dynasty
This is a superb book which will help you grasp God’s ultimate intention.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
‘The doctrine of the Trinity,’ as Bruce Ware argues, ‘is one of the most important distinguishing doctrines of the Christian faith’ and not one that Christians do well to regard carelessly.
Moving in the Prophetic
None of us who know Greg and his fine reputation will be surprised to learn that this book, on the use of the gift of prophecy in the local church, is Biblically rooted, wonderfully practical and completely accessible.
Finally Alive
That prolific author John Piper has done it again. We dare not allow the new birth to be lost in the mists of our activity and emphasis.