The first three of these sessions were taken from the Brighton Leadership Conference in 2000 and the final three sessions were recorded at the Brighton Leadership Conference in 2002. Each of these sessions has a set of notes to accompany […]
Studies in Ephesians: Part 5. Functioning Diversity
The first three of these sessions were taken from the Brighton Leadership Conference in 2000 and the final three sessions were recorded at the Brighton Leadership Conference in 2002. Each of these sessions has a set of notes to accompany […]
Reaching Muslims
This unusual book is what you’ve always needed to help you approach Muslims in a way that takes away fear and confusion. Nick gives you step-by-step insight to help you understand their world view and the sort of approach that would be acceptable to them.
Vision & Values: Part 1. Building Churches That Are Evangelistically Relevant
This is the first chapter in a series of short interviews which I recorded with my son Simon, looking at the seventeen values that have helped to shape my ministry over the years. The first value is: ‘A gospel-preaching church […]
Planting Churches – Changing Communities
David’s book will be a great encouragement to anybody pondering the possibility of starting a new church. Full of Biblically-based wisdom and practical insights, it is made more colourful by the inclusion of many testimonies from contemporary church planters who write honestly and instructively about their experiences.
Prophetic evangelism
A provocative book full of living illustrations that demonstrate not only insight into the prophetic ministry but also a very challenging and stimulating evangelistic passion.
TOAM 2008: Part 1. Philip
This message was recorded at the Newfrontiers Together on a Mission Conference 2008 in Brighton
Working with God
When you know that God has initiated a relationship, you can also expect His help. You do not have to make the disciple over-dependent on you. You become a fellow labourer with God in producing another disciple of the Lord Jesus.
Forming leaders
Certainly Moses made sure that the Israelites understood the law of God, but he had more than that to pass on. Resting upon this national leader was a gift, an anointing from the Holy Spirit, and God wanted that anointing to rest on Moses’ successor.