This is an interview conducted by Mark Driscoll on
Vision & Values: Part 5. Free To Worship
This is the fifth chapter in a series of short interviews which I recorded with my son Simon, looking at the seventeen values that have helped to shape my ministry over the years. “A Church where God’s presence is prized […]
TOAM 2010: Part 3. Praying at all times in the Spirit
This is the 3rd message of a 3 part series that was recorded at the annual newfrontiers international leadership conference, Together On A Mission 2010 in Brighton. Click here to read a written series based on the 3 messages, Armour […]
Hymns and Psalms and Spiritual Songs
I guess I am a fully paid-up member of the charismatic movement and very rarely find myself in church singing old hymns, though I do celebrate the wonder and beauty of recent hymns written by my friends Stuart Townend, Nathan Fellingham or Simon Brading, but sometimes I find myself drawn into my old hymnbooks and feel, to be honest, a sense of loss that we so rarely sing such magnificent hymns.
A Chat with Simon Brading
I was fascinated to see this interview with Simon Brading in Newfrontiers-USA’s The Link . This was conducted at Mobilise USA earlier this year. I thought it was great!
He is the Lord and He reigns on high!
For the last two years I have been using the daily Bible reading plan designed by the famous Scottish preacher, Robert Murray McCheyne. It takes you through the Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice in a […]
Let The Nations Be Glad
John Piper reminds us that mission is not the ultimate goal of the church, worship is, and that mission exists because worship doesn’t.
This book will bless and build up any believer who reads it. It can be kept for reference. It will certainly be an eye-opener to the young Christian, and it will warm your heart as you freshly meditate on the wonder of the God in whom you have put your trust.
This outstanding and accessible little book by Matt Redman is a wealth of insight into the glory and majesty of God.